Virtual Group Recovery American Substance Abuse Foundation LLC

  • American Substance Abuse Foundation LLC is dedicated to providing resources and support for individuals struggling with substance abuse. We prioritize confidentiality and respect for all clients. Our team of experts is committed to making a positive impact on the lives of those affected by substance abuse, assisting them in their journey towards recovery and wellness.

Our goal is to create a world without substance abuse. We promote sensible views on addiction and offer support. By using new strategies and community help, we strive to beat addiction, improve wellness for individuals and families, and build stronger communities.

Stanley R Leszewski - Founder

Empowering Communities

  • Placeholder

    Logical Understanding of Substance Abuse

    PHASE 1


    Virtual Group Discussion

    4 Weeks

    3 weekly 2 hour virtual group sessions

    Learn about psychological, biological, and social factors that contribute to the misuse of substances. At its core, substance abuse is often driven by a combination of factors, including genetic predispositions, environmental influences, and underlying mental health conditions.

  • Placeholder

    Structure and Life Coping Skills

    PHASE 2


    Virtual Group Discussion

    4 Weeks

    3 weekly 2 hour virtual group sessions

    Learn how to use logical recovery to re-structure your life and develop realistic long term life coping skills to help transform yourself.

  • Placeholder

    Logical Relapse Prevention

    PHASE 3


    Virtual Group Discussion

    4 Weeks

    3 weekly 2 hour virtual group sessions

    Discover and learn logical recovery solutions to build a defense against relapse. Learn how to find the strength within as you navigate through life’s challenges.


  • Learn about psychological, biological, and social factors that contribute to the misuse of substances. At its core, substance abuse is often driven by a combination of factors, including genetic predispositions, environmental influences, and underlying mental health conditions.

  • Learn how to use logical recovery to re-structure your life and develop realistic long term life coping skills to help transform yourself.

  • Discover and learn logical recovery solutions to build a defense against relapse. Learn how to find the strength within as you navigate through life’s challenges.

Your Path to a Life Free From Addiction Starts Now

If you are seeking a life free from addiction, today marks the beginning of your journey. Acknowledging the need for change is the first step towards a brighter and healthier future. While the road ahead may seem daunting, know that you are not alone.

At American Substance Abuse Foundation, we are here to support you every step of the way. Our programs are designed to provide you with the tools and resources necessary to help overcome addiction and reclaim your life.

Remember, recovery is a process that requires patience, dedication, and commitment. It may not be easy, but it is possible. By taking this first step, you are already on the path to a life free from addiction. Stay strong, stay focused, and believe in yourself.

Together, we can help you build a better tomorrow. Let today be the start of your journey towards a brighter and addiction-free future.Let's embark on a journey of discovery. Unravel the layers of our essence and feel the power within. Empowering lives, breaking chains - that's our promise to you. Together, we pave the path to hope, healing, and support.

Embrace a brighter future

Welcome to our empowering journey towards freedom. Together, we break the chains of addiction, offering hope and support to all who seek it.

Connect with Us

Reach out and let's make a positive change together. Expect a caring response and a partner in your journey towards healing.